Il Castello del Catajo - Battaglia Terme                           Vigne 2
The Catajo Castle, an immense sixteenth manor located in Battaglia Terme (Padova), will host on May, 21th and 22th, Vulcanei 2016, the exhibition organized by the Volcanic Wines, which since 2012 brings together the Italian wine regions characterized by volcanic soil. The Castle, which rests right on the corner of that great amphitheater that was probably the largest caldera of the oldest volcanic euganeo phenomenon, will house about thirty of the best euganei producers in the big barn, while the adjacent hall of the Tennis Court will be animated by the producers of the other Italian volcanic territories and, for the first time, will guests two European volcanic areas. Volcanic Wines has 15 areas of the country: Campi Flegrei, Colli Euganei, Etna Frascati, Gambellara, Ischia and Capri, Lessini, Lucania, Mogoro, Orvieto, Pantelleria, Pitigliano and Sovana, Soave, Tuscia, Vesuvio. In its first four years of history Volcanic Wines has been able to network almost all Italian volcanic territories also known for the particular quality of the wines. Now it goes to put the spotlight on a significant coincidence: some of these territories are also Natural Park, often Regional, in some cases National. And just in the Euganean Hills a Biodistretto is building up , while it is being studied as candidates for “Biosphere” in the specific UNESCO World register.
vulcanei banner 1Created by an agreement among Consorzio Tutela Vini Colli Euganei, Strada del Vino Colli Euganei and Consorzio Terme Euganee, Vulcanei 2016 will be attended by 15 volcanic districts (Soave, Lessini, Gambellara, Colli Euganei, Pitigliano and Sovana, Tuscia, Orvieto, Frascati, Capri , Campi Flegrei, Ischia, Vesuvio, Vulture, Mogòro, Etna, Pantelleria), 30 wineries belonging to the Euganean Hills and the two guests from across the Alps, Naturgarten Kaiserstuhl (Germany) and the Parc naturel régional des Volcans d’Auvergne (France) with their wine producers. For the entire duration of the event the Cortile dei Giganti will host a selection of the best local produce, three Slow Food Presidia, cold cuts and DOP cheeses and the ancient volcanic cherries of Monte Gemola. Tasting workshops led by an expert will give way to discover the originality and complexity of wines from volcanic soils, with infinite nuances related to the different soils. You can also visit the oldest and prestigious frescoed rooms of Catajo Castle, that is an ideal starting point for different and personalized itineraries, from the food&wine to the cultural, from the naturalistic to the spa.
Vigneti                               Villa Beatrice d'Este sul Monte Gemola