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Unique and incomparable flavours that come from an history made by passion and  skilled dairy art.  From years to years the Valle Imagna produces a high quality cheese, appreciated in all our country. Gigi refines his cheese with different flavours, refining it with herbs, wine and grappa. And here some of his top cheeses:

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The Gigetto alle erbe has been the first cheese in our refinement order, born in 2004 as a simple test, it is now our top-of-the-line product.  It has a rectangular form when in raw state and it is produced in the Bergamo valley, using whole milk. The refinement with a mix of aromatic herbs and flowers requires approximately 60 days.

The Gigetto Balsamico has a rectangular form when in raw state and it is produced in the Bergamo valley, using whole milk. It has an unmistakable scent of balsamic vinegar, and a peculiar flavor contrasting  sweet and balsamic. An unmistakable contrast, with the delicate flavor of taleggio contrasting with the definite and aromatic flavor of Modena’s balsamic vinegar, creating this way a perfect harmony and remembering to our palate the taste of hazelnut.

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The  refinement of Delicapra Provenza requires 50 days of work and a very singular manual ability during its seasoning in wooden boxes. This particular cheese is refined with a mix of herbs. It has a spicy taste that contrasts with the sweet of the milk. It releases a scent of aromatic herbs.This is the reason why that in order to better taste this cheese it needs to be cut without removing any herbs from its surface, and by doing so one can obtain a delicate sensation of a fresh cheese with scents of fall. Info: www.dagigi-formaggi.com


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