Set in Tanzania’s Shungimbili Island Marine Reserve and surrounded by its own coral reef, Thanda Island is one of the truly exclusive tropical islands in the world.

Thanda Island Thanda Island

Eight hectares in size, one kilometer in circumference and 350 meters wide, Thanda Island features only one private villa with five suites and two rustic Tanzanian Bandas and is a sanctuary to enjoy in complete seclusion with family and friends. Depending on the season, guests can swim with the gentlest giant of the ocean, the whale shark, and may watch turtles nesting and their eggs hatching. Marine conservation is at the core of the Island’s offering and guests are encouraged to get involved in a range of projects, such as marine wildlife monitoring or awareness workshops with villagers on neighboring Mafia Island. On the Island, guests can rejuvenate and enjoy a variety of water sports or island activities as they explore this remarkable destination, where shades of turquoise infuse the days and tropical spices the nights. Credits: LHW,

Thanda Island  Thanda Island

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