In the new exhibition space of Tableset Luxury Rentals, appointments with bon ton professionals continue. To learn the secrets of the “table setting” and much more.
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After the workshop on “Etiquette 2.0 and the art of receiving” held by Elisa Motterle, the appointments with “About the Table” organized by Tableset Luxury Rentals continue in the new exhibition space of Locate Triulzi, just outside Milan. There are in fact nine meetings held by recognized bon ton professionals to explore the numerous aspects to be taken care of when sitting around a laid table. The intent of the project, created by Cristina Di Giovanna, is to pass the table, convivial and inspirational, to X-rays. And if during the first appointment, Elisa Motterle, specialized in international etiquette, talked with those present on the theme of the conviviality of the table and on how to apply the bon ton to promote sociality, with the next meetings “About the Table” it will touch on topics equally interesting and unpublished as welle as “Stationary and graphic design”, “Table Styling + Mood Inspirations”, “Flowers + Light Design “, “Dress Code”, “Mise en place + Table service” and  “Etiquette of mixology”.  All the workshops of the “About the Table” series organized by Tableset Luxury Rentals (which can be purchased online at the price of €80.00 each or in discounted packages) will end with a cocktail or a coffee break. All members will also be given a gift and upon request it will also be possible to take advantage of a transfer service from Milan to more easily reach the exhibition space. The detailed program is available at the following link:
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