The brand new Top Level cosmetics Coral-Line by Avenir borrows the strength and beauty of the seabed to give them to our skin.
Born from the scrupulous and meticulous research conducted by Irene Di Gregorio, Spa Manager of the Avenir Medicina & Estetica Institute, in close collaboration with the Officina FitoBiologica in Milan, the 12 references that make up Coral-Line by Avenir “speak” to our skin, providing all the information necessary to make it not only beautiful but above all healthy, in line with the principles that animate the spirit of the Institute. The main rule for obtaining a healthy and beautiful skin consists in hydration and Coral-Line exploits all the power of the coral seaweed whose extract, rich in trace elements, is the basic ingredient and common to all the creams of the line precisely for its moisturizing, revitalizing and protective properties against pollution and external agents, including UV rays. To counteract physiological skin dehydration even more effectively, Coral-Line creams also rely on the Natural Moisturing Factor (NMF reconstituted in the laboratory), one of the main moisturizing factors of the superficial stages of the skin. The collection includes an Anti-Age line (Coral Milk Stong, Coral Age Day, Coral Age Night, Coral Serum Eyes and Lips) and a Young line (Coral Milk, Coral Tonic, Coral Day and Coral Night
Young). To these are added three references suitable for all skin types and all ages: Coral Probiotic Age Serum, super moisturizing and anti-aging; Coral Perfect, a specific gel with hydro-illuminating function based on the photoluminescence of Mullein flower extract combined with Glycolic Acid; and Coral Scrub, which smoothes and performs a deep cleansing thanks to the presence of Apricot Kernels microspheres lubricated with Sweet Almond Oil and Shea Butter, which give smoothness and brightness and prepare the skin for subsequent treatments. Coral-Line is green: the choice of certain raw materials and processing techniques have made it possible to obtain cosmetic products of natural origin, many of which also have Food Grade characteristics and free of any element that could harm and / or sensitize the skin. . Even the packaging is eco-sustainable: the external packaging in non-plasticized paper and the internal one completely in plastic allow easy disposal without having to dismantle the packages. The bottles are airless in order to use the entire contents without waste. Coral-Line by Avenir is on sale at the Avenir Medicina & Estetica Institute in Buccinasco (Milan) and on the online shop