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How nice to have a butler available 24 hours a 24. Not for everybody, you could say, but instead the technology will bring to your home the luxury of always being served. Or rather, not only at home but also in your pocket. The news is that the various screen readers of smartphones – Siri and company of course – will become more and more precise and servile. And from the conference for developers of Google, here is the announcement that the assistant of Big G will be at our disposal. For example: shopping, restaurants and local search, travel planning, navigation and more. And everything on any device and in any context, with the ability to communicate as if you were talking to a human. But not only, of course: at the end of this year it will arrive Google Home, a voice-activated device that brings the assistant in every room of the house. In practice, talking to him and giving a few orders, here you can listen to music, manage daily tasks, get answers, turn on appliances, open windows and shutters, without lifting a finger. All connected to the internet and all of us connected to our server, which is not seen but there is. The ultimate luxury? Maybe not the best, because the man in white gloves always has its charm and its uniqueness. But try to think about it: a butler at so little, perhaps not worth the effort?
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