It is a Food Academy that offers a food education program. Bioimis is a revolutionary method that allows for rapid weight loss, but above all healthy, because it is based on the natural bodily functions and properties of the most common foods. The Bioimis method does not involve drugs, meal replacements, supplements and/or herbal teas; it allows instead of getting benefits in terms of weight and health by eating natural products alone. The name (Bio from the Greek “bios”=life, and Imis from the Latin “ab imis”=from the beginning, so the origins of Life) encloses one of the cardinal principles of Bioimis, that is a nutritional system that meets the naturalness of food and it is closer to the real needs of the body. Diets and weight loss concepts so far have always been based on a single unit of measurement: the calorie, which measures how much thermal energy, or heat, food produces when burned. The human body, however, is by no means comparable to a simple combustion chamber: it is rather a complex organism that converts chemical energy contained in food into bio-chemical energy, bio-mechanics, bio-electricity and also heat. For this, Bioimis brings a breakthrough in the world of nutritional science: overcoming the concept of calorie, the studies now focus on the biochemical properties of food, to be then used to achieve ideal weight and health goals. Without having to incur taking meal replacements, slimming teas, supplements, drugs, surgery, and without weighing food, it is therefore possible to find the ideal shape (Ideal Fit) and lose weight while getting benefits in terms of wellbeing and health. The innovative Coaching formula is a path that is not imposed, but during which the user will be involved, step by step, in the action of food education. Guided daily by the Bioimis Staff, the user will learn to know the properties of food and how to use them in order to live healthy lives and benefit in terms of weight, energy and vitality. The Coaching does not turn upside-down ones habits, but it molds and educates to a healthy and, more important, long lasting lifestyle. Credits: Bioimis