Unique and innovative, Line is the first bread made in Italy that brings to the table the precious benefits of quinoa.
Line           Line
Four years have passed since the FAO proclaimed 2013 the year of Quinoa, annual herbaceous plant of the Chenopodiaceae family – such as spinach or beet – but also a plant of biodiversity, already venerated by Inca as a sacred plant cultivated by over 5000 years on the stony highlands of the Andes at altitudes between 3800 and 4200 meters. But some people in Italy had already gone through the times, presenting in 2009 the Quite line, the first quinoa bread made by Simona Lauri, Matteo Beretta and other young artisan bakers. A failure, because the times were not ripe, both for the final consumer and for the same Italian bakeries, who began to use quinoa when it became almost a fashion following the FAO proclamation. Today, thanks to the “stubbornness” and the studies of Simona Lauri, baker who graduated in Food Sciences, Italian White Art adds a historic dagger with the presentation of Line, bread made with Italian quinoa but above all with the leaves of plant. Thanks to the collaboration with Professor Alberto Vercesi of the University of Piacenza and the entrepreneur Maricela Boschetto – the owner, among others, together with the partner Luca Lattarini, of the Association Mondi da Scoprire – from 2014 the seeding and collection of quinoa in Italy are reality, as is finally Line reality, a product made with a mother in turn obtained with quinoa white, black and red stone milled in purity. The working method involves indirect processing with the mother, quince flour and type 1 flour, as well as the use of a high percentage of fresh leaves. The form that Simona Lauri has chosen for his innovative bread is not casual but designed to represent the indestructible interwoven, embracing between two peoples and two cultures. We can not forget in fact that many typical Italian food and wine products would not be if the raw materials were not brought to Europe from South America after 1500: maize, tomato, chili, potatoes and today also LINE, the bread of innovation pride Italian – Peruvian in White Art.
Line           Line

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