Thanks to Mercato Mediterraneo, in November Rome becomes the Capital of the Mediterranean with the first exhibition devoted to “Mare Nostrum”.
Mercato Mediterraneo           Mercato Mediterraneo
The Mediterranean area, its agro-food excellence, its history and above all its culture. The first edition of the Mercato Mediterraneo, scheduled for the Rome Fair in November, the 23th to the 26th, will lead to the discovery of the entire chain of the three continents facing the Mediterranean: Europe, Asia and Africa. An educational journey between stories and traditions, in an unusual representation of civilizations, places, knowledge and products, with a dense program of meetings, lectio magistralis, activities, workshops, thematic paths and tastings. Designed to enhance food, who produces and consumes it, Mercato Mediterraneo is developed in 3 pavilions with 5 macro themed exhibition areas. Civiltà del Grano, dedicated to grain and other old cereals; Civilità del Mare, an area dedicated to fishing, primary activity from the dawn of civilization, as a means of spreading contacts between different populations and riches; Extravergine, that is oil in all its nuances and the declinations of its essential
Mercato Mediterraneonutrients: from EVO  to oilseeds. The ingredient symbol of the Mediterranean diet will be told in all its uses and tradition, food, health and beauty; Metterci la Faccia, the area of ​​conferences, round tables and workshops; Contaminazioni, ie circular circles and stories, starting from Rome and then proceeding to concentric circles, corresponding to host countries. There will be a variety of themed routes such as La Via del Sale, Dieta Mediterranea, Etnobotanica or Pizza Patrimonio UNESCO. Among the numerous activities (free of charge), a lesson of the “Food and Wine” Master of Tor Vergata University in Rome and tasting sessions of the “Olive Oil Tokyo Contest” are also planned, with tasters coming from Japan, Turkey, Tunisia, Morocco, Spain and Italy that will tell how in the world the quality of Italian oil is perceived. All activities are supervised by the Scientific Committee for the Mediterranean Market. (November, 23th-26th, Fiera di Roma entrance east. Thursday-Saturday h 10/22 , Sunday h 10/20).
Mercato Mediterraneo           Mercato Mediterraneo

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