The first permanent museum dedicated to culatello and masalén will be inaugurated on March, the 24th, by the starred Antica Corte Pallavicina of the Spigaroli brothers.
A real journey into the heart of the Emilian wine and food culture, desired by those who owe their passion, their work, their whole life to that area of taste. With the inauguration of the Museum of Culatello and Masalén – 10 minutes from the Museum of Parmigiano Reggiano of Soragna and 20 from that of the Arte dell’Olearia of San Secondo – Polesine Parmense becomes the ideal closure of a triangle of flavors that justifies a path in the soul of a rich and generous territory, also in terms of the diffusion of their traditional practices, declined and illustrated in a contemporary and multimedia conception, made of photos, drawings, maps and touch screens. “It was in 1990 when we decided to buy the Antica Corte Pallavicina, an unrecoverable ruin according to the most: after 20 years of restoration and the opening in 2010 of most of the structure, by now the Ancient Court is as we imagined when
we have bought”, explain the Spigaroli brothers. “There was still an important part to fix the work of so many generations of these lands, a space to be dedicated not only to our family but to the local people who have maintained their work over the centuries those traditions that make our territory famous all over the world”. Scheduled for 4.30 pm on Saturday, the 24th, the inauguration by invitation opens the doors of an experience out of the ordinary and in the belly of history, among ancient maps, documents, photographs, videos, multimedia equipment and objects related to the rural culture, such as the bicycle used by the butcher to go from one farm to another, the furnace and the fork. Open to the public from Sunday, the25th, from 10 am to 5.30 pm. (info: