The Luxury for Good philosophy by Crafted Society also arrives in the leather goods sector with the launch of the first collection in collaboration with prestigious Italian laboratories.
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Doing good through luxury – Luxury for Good – is the philosophy that animates since birth Crafted Society, the brand founded in 2016 by Martin Johnston and Lise Bonnet that highlights the protection of the prestigious work of Italian master craftsmen with sustainability and responsibility social. Faithful to this idea, the brand has just launched its collection of leather bags and accessories in collaboration with one of the leading Italian specialists in the sector, Ales Pelletterie of Tolentino, in the Marche region, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. Through the new-luxury commitment of the Crafted Society towards
Craftedethics and transparency, the collection of 6 debut pieces will show, as usual, both its own brand and that of Ales’s artisans, also offering a personalized service for each customer at the laboratory. In addition, in partnership with the Indian Day Care NGO, Harmony House, 1% of the retail value of the bags will be donated directly to help study a child in the slums of New Delhi. In addition to the new collection of leather goods, Crafted Society continues to offer its range of timeless products ranging from sneakers, denim, cashmere scarves and panama hats, devolving 1% of commercial revenues to causes that provide access to an education quality for disadvantaged children.
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