“Your Lifestyle – Your Kitchen”: under this motto, SieMatic welcomed international kitchen specialists, interior designers, and journalists as part of this year’s Milan Furniture Fair from April 12th to 17th in a new showroom on Viale Monte Santo; inviting them to an inspiring journey through the three SieMatic style collections Urban, Pure, and Classic, which reflect today’s most popular international styles in interior design. Special guest Mick De Giulio, who is considered a “rock star” of kitchen interior design in the USA and who has worked with SieMatic successfully for many years to develop furniture and design concepts in the CLASSIC style collection. At the SieMatic “Special evening event,” April 13th, he presented and signed his new book “Kitchen”. “We are very happy – said CEO Ulrich W. Siekmann – we started two years ago to redesign our corporate design, changing our architectural philosophy. We found the partners here in Milan working for a common philosophy: there is a lot of italian design in our showroom, seen from a German perspective. We are bringing this model around the world: for example now we are opening in Doha. Kitchens are changing: the Seventies-Eghties it was thinking in terms of doors design, then in Nineties it was the kitchens and now it’s all about spaces. Special communication and special design is what’s important: that’s why you see a lot of living room furniture or sitting furniture with kitchens combined to give an impression of what can they look like to what you can feel. We are supplying great furnitures in great design ideas and the here inside”.