ShortCookingRaces | 2016 is a culinary event hosted by SieMatic, the German premium brand in the world of designer kitchens, at its flagship store in Milan. A calendar of 4 races plus a final appointment that well goes with the SieMatic claim “Your lifestyle-Your Kitchen” and starring some of the most interesting architects of Milan. The architects, 3 offices for each race, have only thirty minutes to simultaneously cook the same dish under the careful supervision of chef Umberto Zanassi.
The best dish of each evening will attend the Grand Final in January 2017. The Rice Timbale cooked by GLA-Genius Loci Architettura – Architect Andrea Grassi won the first race last April, 27th. The next preliminary sessions are scheduled tonight, October 5th and November 23th (for reservation and information During race number two, Nisimagnoni|Nm-Architects, Nomadic Architecture and Interior Design, Project CMR will cook the Pasta Timbale in the exclusive and stylish kitchens SieMatic.
(DesignPartner: Garavaglia Arredamenti – Marmo Arredo – V-ZUG. WinePartner: Fantinel. Concept&Organization: Towant).