Untill April the 29th the exibition of the original portraits on the walls of  Mr.Savethewall, the artist who has created a new way to bring street art to life in domestic spaces in Deodato Arte in Milan

Mr.Savethewall- Wallsaved, Mr.Savethewall- Wallsaved,

Since Mr.Savethewall presented the first Wallsaved 3 years ago, these original works have become a must-have for every street art collector, as well as a trend followed by many artists. Mr. Savethewall – The Wallsaved Collection is the title chosen for the exhibition that consecrates the Wallsaved and their inventor in the new space of the Galleria Deodato Arte, in Via Nerino 1, in Milan. More than ten new unpublished creations are exhibited, unique pieces made by hand using the most diverse objects such as road signs, pipes and old intercoms. A new way of bringing street art into exhibition spaces and into the homes of enthusiasts. A new way of bringing street art into exhibition spaces and into the homes of enthusiasts. On the occasion of the exhibition Mr. Savethewall presents the first “phygital” works, developed under the technological coordination of the Deodato.io team, the new platform for digital assets of the Deodato Group. This new series, on display at the Deodato Arte Gallery, does not simply want to bring street art into the home by creating graffiti on the walls, but aims to transfer the external walls inside the houses, with all their history. Everything can strike the artist, as well as the passer-by – a panel, an electrical panel, a road sign, the vents, the peeling of a plaster that reveals the bricks – and convey the same sensation experienced on the street. After all, the portraits of walls are the mirror of our cities, in which beauty often mixes with decay, nature fights with concrete, color makes beautiful what otherwise we would not be worthy of a look. Among the subjects on display we find the great classics of Mr.Savethewall’s production, such as the iconic Kiss Me, the anthropomorphic frog, Love Me or Like Me, Cupid and Psyche of the contemporary era and Is this Love?, the romantic vandal. Among the most important pieces we also mention “La Grande Ondata”, a reflection on the theme of migrants and “Street Art is Dead”, a manifesto by the artist who claims to be the first post-street artist.

Mr.Savethewall- Wallsaved, Mr.Savethewall- Wallsaved,